Rendering by Razin Khan showing Great Room

I was assigned my own drafting table in the great drafting room at Taliesin in Wisconsin.   My first project was to design a small structure for the use of the fellowship members as a place to have afternoon tea.   Several apprentices worked on their design for this tea house, under the guidance of Jack Howe.   I soon had a design plan and section design influenced by the style of the buildings at Taliesin.    Then I plotted a perspective using the two point construction method and made my first color pencil rendering.

This design was completed in October of 1959 only one month after I joined the Taliesin Fellowship and I show it here to demonstrate my ability as a beginner. 

Lower and upper floor plan.

Rendering by Razin Khan

Rendering by Razin Khan with 3D by Karl Andrew.

Elevation of Desert Dweller by JWS

A student shelter for a site located north of Taliesin West.  

The desert Dweller. 

Presented at a Box showing of Apprentices design work.  January 1961.  I had been at Taliesin 16 months. 

No plan to show here.  Many circular elements in plan and a flat roof was used. 

Elevations.  House for Traverse City, Michigan

Hillside House.  My first time working on an equilateral triangle unit system.

Desert Spheral Shelter. 

Plan and elevation by JWS 1961

These drawing and designs are only a few of the over 24 I started as a student.       I will post more of my design work as I get time.  Please check back. 

Rendering by Razin Khan

Plan and Perspective.  Detail elevation of the gates.

Colored pencil Rendering.

My tent for two winters at Taliesin West.

  I added the fireplace in 1960.

Ark House

Rendering by Razin Khan and 3D by Karl Andrews

House for the Southeast.  150 foot wide lot. 

Original colored pencil rendering by JWS

Jack Howe recommended colors above the line.  He said you can make any rendering with just these colors.  I added a few more to my collection. 

Section drawing.

House for a 75 foot wide lot.   Known as the Gates House. 

Renderingby JWS

CAD drawing by JWS.  Rendering left is by Razin Khan with 3D by Karl Andrew.

Northern House

Rendered floor plan.  I began working with the unit system.

Floor plan on a 5'-4" square unit turned 45 degrees.   I used 5'-4" because the material was 8x8x16" concrete block.  The material often sets the unit used. 

Elevation drawing by JWS

Rendered elevations.  I made working drawings of this house a few months later.

Last house design done at Taliesin.  May 1961

Elevation rendered.  A home and studio for me the future architect.  A site near Taliesin in Wisconsin over looking the river. 

Rendering done in CAD years later by JWS


Design done as a student apprentice at Taliesin the Frank Lloyd Wright, Foundation.  1959-1961

My photo taken about October 1959.


J A M E S   W A L T E R


Studio for the desert on the side of the hill at Taliesin West.  An open air shelter using the triangle unit system

Northern House  My second design, November 1959.

Two point perspective and colored pencil rendering.

Floor Plan and rendering drawn on cardboard. 

Rendering by Karl Andrew

Rendering by Karl Andrews